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Node.js in Action, 2nd Edition
Node.js in Action, 2nd Edition

You already know JavaScript. The trick to mastering Node.js is learning how to build applications that fully exploit its powerful asynchronous event handling and non-blocking I/O features. The Node server radically simplifies event-driven real-time apps like chat, games, and live data analytics, and with its incredibly rich ecosystem of modules, tools, and libraries, it's hard to beat! Based on the bestselling first edition, Node.js in Action, 2nd Edition is a completely new book. Packed with practical examples, it teaches you how to create high-performance web servers using JavaScript and Node. You'll master key design concepts such as asynchronous programming, state management, and event-driven programming. And you'll learn to put together MVC servers using Express and Connect, design web APIs, and set up the perfect production environment to build, lint, and test. ...
Learn Three.js, 3rd Edition
Learn Three.js, 3rd Edition

WebGL makes it possible to create 3D graphics in the browser without having to use plugins such as Flash and Java. Programming WebGL, however, is difficult and complex. With Three.js, it is possible to create stunning 3D graphics in an intuitive manner using JavaScript, without having to learn WebGL. With this book, you'll learn how to create and animate beautiful looking 3D scenes directly in your browser-utilizing the full potential of WebGL and modern browsers. It starts with the basic concepts and building blocks used in Three.js. From there on, it will expand on these subjects using extensive examples and code samples. You will learn to create, or load, from externally created models, realistic looking 3D objects using materials and textures. You'll find out how to easily control the camera using the Three.js built-in in camera controls, which will enable you to fly or walk around the 3D scene you created. You will then use the HTML5 video and canvas elements as a material for you ...
Practical Node.js, 2nd Edition
Practical Node.js, 2nd Edition

Learn how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages.With this book, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and frameworks and see how all those pieces fit together. Practical Node.js takes you from installing all the necessary modules to writing full-stack web applications. You'll harness the power of the Express.js and Hapi frameworks, the MongoDB database with Mongoskin and Mongoose. You'll also work with Pug and Handlebars template engines, Stylus and LESS CSS lanaguages, OAuth and Everyauth libraries, and the Socket.IO and Derby libraries, and everything in between. This exciting second edition is fully updated for ES6/ES2015 and also covers how to deploy to Heroku and AWS, daemonize apps, and write REST APIs. You'll build full-stack real-world Node.js a ...
The Myths of Security
The Myths of Security

If you think computer security has improved in recent years, Myths of Security will shake you out of your complacency. Longtime security professional John Viega reports on the sorry state of security, with concrete suggestions for professionals and individuals confronting the issue. Provocative, insightful, and often controversial, The Myths of Security addresses IT professionals who deal with security issues, and speaks to Mac and PC users who spend time online. ...
A Peek at Computer Electronics
A Peek at Computer Electronics

Are you a programmer or computer enthusiast? Do you feel comfortable with methods, functions, and variables? Do you wish you knew more about how the computer made it all work? Now you can. From basic electronics to advanced computer hardware, you'll learn the magic behind the gear that makes it all run. If you're into tinkering, or ever thought about it, this book explains the basics of how it all works. ...
Node.js in Action
Node.js in Action

JavaScript on the server? You bet. Node.js is a JavaScript server capable of supporting scalable, high-performance web applications. Using asynchronous I/O, the server can do more than one thing at a time, a key requirement for real-time apps like chat, games, and live statistics. And since it's JavaScript, you use the same language end to end. Node.js in Action shows you how to build production-quality applications. Clear introductions of key concepts and example-by-example coverage take you from setup to deployment. You'll dive into asynchronous programming, data storage, and output templating, and interact with the filesystem to create non-HTTP applications like TCP/IP servers and command-line tools. Perfect for a web developer transitioning from Rails, Django, or PHP. Requires basic knowledge of JavaScript. No prior experience with Node.js needed. ...
Lightweight Django
Lightweight Django

How can you take advantage of the Django framework to integrate complex client-side interactions and real-time features into your web applications? Through a series of rapid application development projects, this hands-on book shows experienced Django developers how to include REST APIs, WebSockets, and client-side MVC frameworks such as Backbone.js into new or existing projects. Learn how to make the most of Django's decoupled design by choosing the components you need to build the lightweight applications you want. Once you finish this book, you'll know how to build single-page applications that respond to interactions in real time. If you're familiar with Python and JavaScript, you're good to go. ...
Node.js in Practice
Node.js in Practice

You've decided to use Node.js for your next project and you need the skills to implement Node in production. It would be great to have Node experts Alex Young and Marc Harter at your side to help you tackle those day-to-day challenges. With this book, you can! Node.js in Practice is a collection of 115 thoroughly tested examples and instantly useful techniques guaranteed to make any Node application go more smoothly. Following a common-sense Problem/Solution format, these experience-fueled techniques cover important topics like event-based programming, streams, integrating external applications, and deployment. The abundantly annotated code makes the examples easy to follow, and techniques are organized into logical clusters, so it's a snap to find what you're looking for. ...
Reactive Programming with RxJS 5
Reactive Programming with RxJS 5

Create concurrent applications with ease using RxJS 5, a powerful event composition library. Real-world JavaScript applications require you to master asynchronous programming, and chances are that you'll spend more time coordinating asynchronous events than writing actual functionality. This book introduces concepts and tools that will greatly simplify the process of writing asynchronous programs. Find out about Observables, a unifying data type that simplifies concurrent code and eases the pain of callbacks. Learn how Schedulers change the concept of time itself, making asynchronous testing sane again. Find real-world examples for the browser and Node.js along the way: how about a real-time earthquake visualization in 20 lines of code, or a frantic shoot-em-up space videogame? You'll also use Cycle.js - a modern, reactive, web framework - to make a new breed of web applications. By the end of the book, you'll know how to think in a reactive way, and how to use RxJS 5 to build co ...
The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs
The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs

Learn everything you need to master the AdonisJs framework, including topics such as interacting with a database, rendering templates, writing asynchronous code, and hosting sites with SSL. Along the way, you'll see how to build a commerce application, which lists products and allows shoppers to register and purchase those products. The site will feature a product catalog, a shopping cart, user registration and login, and profile management. The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs also covers how to create a front-end build chain, so that you can use a modern front-end framework, such as React. You'll discover how to connect your front end to the server, so that data and transactions can be shared between the two. Finally, you'll see how to secure and deploy the application to a virtual private server, including how to apply for and install an SSL certificate and start accepting payments. After reading and using this book, you'll know all you need about AdonisJs. You'll have the tools t ...
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